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UZH Center for Leadership in the Future of Work receives double honors

The UZH Center for Leadership in the Future of Work has been selected as one of five finalists worldwide for the "Evidence-Based Leadership Development Program Award" of the Management Education and Development Division of the Academy of Management. In addition, a research paper by Prof. Lauren Howe from the Center was accepted by the highly renowned Journal of Business Ethics. Two more outstanding successes for the renowned center.

Leadership Development Program Award

The Academy of Management is a prestigious international association for business scholars with 18,000 members from 120 countries. The UZH Center for Leadership in the Future of Work has now been selected as one of five finalists worldwide for the "Evidence-Based Leadership Development Program Award". To be among the top five worldwide in the highly competitive leadership education market recognizes the Center's efforts in teaching and contributes to strengthening the reputation of UZH, WWF, IBW and Executive Education. The "Evidence-Based Leadership Development Program Award" ceremony will take place in Boston, USA in August 2023 at the Academy of Management Conference.

Research paper on criticizing culture in business and society

A research paper by Prof. Lauren Howe and co-authors on "Expressing Dual Concern in Criticism for Wrongdoing: The Persuasive Power of Criticizing with Care" was accepted at the highly renowned Journal of Business Ethics. It discusses the criticizing culture in business and society.

Their findings show that when addressing ethical issues, messengers often criticize groups and urge them to alter their behavior. However, when messengers solely express concern for victim groups harmed by target groups, the latter infer a lack of moral concern and reject the criticism. To overcome this, Howe and her co-authors introduce dual concern messaging, which simultaneously acknowledges harm caused by a target group and expresses concern for them. Through six experiments, they demonstrate that dual concern messages mitigate the perception of moral indifference, enhance the persuasiveness of criticism, and reduce backlash. By incorporating concern for both victim and target groups, these messages encourage openness to criticism, paving the way for positive change.

Link to UZH News 
Link to the article 

Congratulations on both successes!


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Oec. Magazin

UZH Center for Leadership in the Future of Work

Mehr zu UZH Center for Leadership in the Future of Work

The Center of Leadership in the Future of Work at the University of Zurich focuses on the human side of the future of work. It promotes joint studies between business and academia, offers lifelong learning programs on people-centered leadership and supports start-ups in taking ideas from lab to market.

Prof. Dr. Lauren C. Howe

Professor of Management at the Department of Business Administration