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Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics

FAQ Incoming


Questions about planning the exchange semester

What possibilities are there for an exchange semester at UZH?

Find out about existing exchange programs that will make your stay at UZH easier from an administrative point of view at your home university.  An overview is also provided by the GSE (Global Student Experience) on their website.

If there is no program or agreement with UZH or our faculty at your home university, there is the possibility that you organize a guest stay with us on your own. An overview on how to proceed can also be found on the GSE website.

What shall I consider (regarding financing, entry, living and working) before departure?

Information on entry, health insurance, finances, living, and working is compiled on the GSE (Global Student Experience) website. Here you will also find information about various German courses before and during the semester.

At the University of Zurich, we offer different kinds of individual support if you have a disability. The aim of the support is to ensure that you may pursue your studies under the most similar conditions as possible as your peers. In order to ensure that you receive the appropriate disability support, please proceed according to the steps outlined at our website.

Is a language certificate required?

  • SEMP: no obligatory language certificate necessary
  • Faculty agreement: English certificate level C1 (C1, CAE, TOEFL or IELTS) obligatory
  • General: German language proficiency level B2 recommended

How do I proceed if I want to come to UZH as a visiting student?

Students who are enrolled at a recognized foreign university with which UZH does not have an exchange agreement have the possibility to come to UZH as regular visiting students or invited visiting students. For admission to guest studies, the general rule is that students remain enrolled at their home university during their stay at UZH and cannot obtain a UZH degree. There is no right to admission.

For information about invited guest students, please contact the GSE (Global Student Experience) (

Questions about applying for an exchange semester

What is the application procedure if I come to UZH via a SEMP agreement and what application documents do I have to provide?

You will be nominated via the relevant office at your home university. Once you are successfully nominated with us, the next step is to compile your application dossier. All information about the SEMP application and application dossier can be found here. You will be informed about all necessary steps by the GSE (Global Student Experience) via email.

What is the application procedure if I come to UZH via a faculty-wide agreement and what application documents do I need to provide?

All information about the application and the application documents for the faculty-wide agreements can be found here. You will be informed about all necessary steps by the GSE (Global Student Experience) via email.

What are the application deadlines?

The application deadline for exchange students outside of Europe (faculty-wide agreements) is 30 March (for an exchange in the fall semester of the same year and/or spring semester of the next year) or 30 September (for an exchange only in the spring semester of the following year).

The application deadline for exchange students from Europe (SEMP agreements) is 30 April (for an exchange in the fall semester of the same year and/or spring semester of the next year) or 30 September (for an exchange in the spring semester of the following year only).

Will I receive financial support (scholarship) for the stay?

Students doing an exchange within the SEMP agreement usually automatically receive a grant to cover travel and accommodation costs. This grant is paid in two parts (80% at the beginning of the exchange, 20% after the submission of the testimonial).

Students planning an exchange via a university-wide (GU), or a faculty-wide agreement can find all the latest information on financial aid opportunities on the GSE (Global Student Experience) website.

Course selection and module booking

How do I find, choose, and book suitable courses (modules)?

Helpful links:

In order to participate in an examination, you must book (or drop, as appropriate) a module in due time by the deadline published in the course catalogue using the module booking app. The fall semester course catalogue is published at the end of March and the spring semester course catalogue in mid-October (the exact dates can be found on our website Study-Related Dates). The booking tool is opened four weeks before the start of courses each semester and closes at the beginning of the fourth week of courses. It is not possible to register for or drop a course after this deadline. Remember, therefore, to book the modules for which you wish to take the examination within this time period, and to drop any modules you do not wish to attend.

It should also be noted that exams always take place at the same time as the course. Since module and exam times can thus overlap, exams for Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral courses are held according to a fixed schedule.

Do I have to register for the exams?

When you book the module, you are automatically registered for the exam. Examination cancellation after the module booking deadline is only possible with a medical certificate. It should also be noted that exams always take place at the same time as the course. Since module and examination times can thus overlap, examinations for Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral courses are held according to a fixed schedule.

Can I also take courses at the ETH?

Yes, a maximum of 2 ETH courses may be taken. In addition, a 1/3 rule applies, whereby a maximum of 1/3 of the total ECTS of the semester may be completed at ETH. Failure to comply with this rule may affect the scholarship.

How large is the number of courses offered in English at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics?

Five out of seven Master's programs at our Faculty are already held in English. Accordingly, on average just under 70 percent of all Master's courses are offered in English. The Bachelor's programs are generally held in German, although some courses are also held in English (this percentage tends to be higher for more advanced courses).

Note: To display English-language modules, you can check the «Suitable for English speakers» box in the module search in the course catalogue.

How do I book a language course?

Language courses are booked directly via the Language Centre. Please note that the language courses each have an earlier booking period and the number of places is limited. Places are allocated according to registration date.

Where and by when do I have to submit my Learning Agreement?

You can send the Learning Agreement (LA) by e-mail to and have it signed by the OecMobility team. After that, you have to upload it to MobOn. If you subsequently make changes to the LA, you must send it to us again by e-mail for review. If you are unable to upload the LA to Mobility Online (MobOn) for technical reasons, please send it to

The deadline for submitting the Learning Agreement is 30 September in the fall semester and 28 February in the spring semester. In exceptional cases, if your definitive LA is not available at this time, upload a provisional version to MobOn by this deadline. The definitive version can be submitted later by email to the OecMobility team (

How does the credit transfer of courses to my studies at my home university work?

You must check with your university at an early stage whether a particular course can be credited as such to your studies at your home university. The great freedom of choice you have when booking modules at UZH does not automatically mean that the courses will also be recognized by your home university. The creditability is entirely their decision. Detailed descriptions of the modules can be found in the UZH course catalogue.

Do you offer a pre-booking service for exchange and visiting students?

No, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics does not offer any pre-booking service; this includes courses at other faculties.

ECTS and transcript of records

How many ECTS credits can I book per semester?

A maximum of 20-30 ECTS per semester is recommended (30 ECTS correspond to a full course load).

When and how do I receive the transcript of records?

After the end of the exchange semester, the official transcript of records is made available electronically in the student portal and downloaded by the students themselves. It is available in German and English. The transcript of records automatically shows all passed and failed courses that you have booked. Failed courses are automatically and always shown on the transcript of records. Courses that have been booked but not attended and not cancelled within the booking deadline are also listed as failed attempts (grade 1) on the transcript of records. Courses attended at the Language Centre or ETH automatically appear on the UZH transcript of records. If your home university requires the transcript to be mailed by UZH, please contact

How and where can I apply for a provisional Transcript of Records?

If you need a Transcript of Records earlier, you can request a provisional version at and we will send it to you by email.

Further information

Which grading system applies at UZH?

Examination results at UZH are graded 1-6, with intermediate values (quarter grades) permitted. The grades have the following meanings:

UZH grades meaning
   6.00 excellent
   5.50 very good
   5.00 good
   4.50 satisfactory
   4.00 sufficient
< 4.00 fail

Are there introductory/informational events at the beginning of the semester?

Yes, both the GSE (Global Student Experience) and the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics hold so-called Welcome Events at the beginning of each semester, some of which are mandatory. You will be informed about these events by e-mail in due time.

During the Welcome Program of the GSE, students learn everything about studying at UZH in general and about life in Switzerland. At the Informational Event of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics you will learn all the specific information about studying at the Faculty. In addition, incoming students can apply for the «Buddy» program in advance of the info event (details will be sent to you by e-mail).

I would like to write my Bachelor/Master thesis during the exchange semester in Zurich. Is this possible?

In principle, yes. However, as an exchange student it is required that you also attend courses. If you plan to write only on your Bachelor or Master thesis, you must be reclassified as an intern through the GSE (Global Student Experience) (mail to And: if you want to write your Bachelor's or Master's thesis at our Faculty, you must find a supervisor yourself.

Additional questions are answered in the Global Student Experience FAQ.