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Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Successful EQUIS Re-Accreditation for five years

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics has received the re-accreditation from EQUIS for further five years. After a first-time virtual Site Visit, the expert committee confirms the high quality of the audited criterias at our Faculty. This award confirms that the Faculty is among the best schools in Business and Economics on an international level.

EQUIS is the best-known accreditation institution in Europe. After the initial accreditation of the Facul-ty of Business, Economics and Informatics in 2009 and the successful re-accreditations in 2012 and 2015, the re-accreditation in 2020 took place under extraordinary circumstances. Due to the Corona-virus pandemic, the Site Visit as part of the re-accreditation process was first postponed and eventu-ally conducted virtually in October 2020. During four days, the four-member expert committee held intensive discussions with various representatives from the Faculty and the private sector.

After a short decision period, the EQUIS Board has announced that the Faculty of Business, Eco-nomics and Informatics will be re-accredited for another five years. In particular, the following strengths of our Faculty are highlighted:

  • Outstanding research
  • Impressively high quality of core Faculty and impressive young Faculty members
  • Excellent link to the corporate world
  • Impressively high quality in the selected programme «PhD in Economics»

With this re-accreditation, the Faculty is among 48 Continental European Universities – including only nine Universities from the DACH region – that hold both an EQUIS and AACSB accreditation at the same time.

Regarding the re-accreditation itself, Dean Harald Gall says: «Our EQUIS re-accreditation process is a major external input which helps us to reflect even deeper on our strengths and challenges and to hone our positioning. Each peer review visit sparks additional ideas, shed light onto further develop-ment opportunities, and energizes our continuous improvement activities. We are glad to be part of this quality process and proud to be accredited as a five-year school by EQUIS.

This year also showed that a virtual Site Visit is feasible and can be very efficient. The discussions were very fruitful and in a depth that is comparable to an on-site visit. Even though we still prefer to have a non-digital Site Visit, we appreciated the efforts put into the virtual Site Visit by EQUIS and our Peer Review Team.»

For more information: News article on the EFMD blog


Weiterführende Informationen

EQUIS is the leading international system for quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of higher education institutions in the field of management and business administration.